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Our product, POSX

A nicely integrated simple solution to all your concerns.

We are here to cater you with the product that is filled with all those features that the industry has been demanding for since long. Our team has managed to make the most out of various resources. We provide a complete transactional management sofware and hardware mechanism. The software would not only take over your manual account books but can proove to flourish your business in various other aspects. It would ease the ordering, communcation, calculating, billing etc and at the same time will change the complete experience by providing exceptional agency functions.

For instance it generates automated reports and oversees the management relating to customers, employees ,sales and performance, stock etc. We also provide an integrated service by staying in touch with your customers in ways and also keeping you up to dated with the latest technological advancements for your comfort.

POSX works well with multi-store retailers

When indulging in multi-store retail stores, authorities find difficulty while updating the prices, discounts, offers and policies. When using our POSX terminals, you need not fret about these. The person having acess to these things can lucidly make the modifications as required. They just need top do it from their end and everything else is sorted as the things automatically get updated elsewhere on the server. We work on momentary basis and thus the transactions and modifications are recorded at the same moment when they happen.

We commit...

Your ease costs our sleepless nights. Our dedicated engineers have made POSX in those sleepless nights and so have come up with a product for your relieve. They also are ready to make sure that you donot confront any hitch in future too, so they are ready to bring you the proficiency at any cost .

What Customer Say About POSX
