“The key-person system successfully promotes children’s well-being. Highly effective settling-in routines help babies to quickly settle. Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure. Staff prepare children well for the moves they make within the nursery.
Children are very self-assured. They behave well, have good manners and know what is expected of them. They form secure emotional attachments to staff.
Staff are effective role models. Children demonstrate good independence skills for their age. For example, toddlers successfully use knives and forks to eat their dinner. They pour their own drinks and tend to their own personal needs well.
Relationships with schools children move on to are well established. Staff use these links to help them prepare children well for starting school.
Children’s safety is successfully promoted. All staff give high priority to the safeguarding and welfare requirements and implement them to a very high standard.”Ofsted (2016 Inspection)
“Children are emotionally secure. Relationships between the staff and children are very good. Partnerships between staff and parents are effective in ensuring that they work successfully together to meet children’s care and learning needs.”
Ofsted (2016 Inspection)
Grace Road
“Teaching throughout the nursery is consistently good. Well-qualified staff have a good understanding of how the age group of children they are working with learn and develop”
Ofsted (2016 Inspection)
“Children are extremely well settled and secure at the nursery. They have very close and warm relationships with staff. Children actively seek staff out when they need comforting. Babies confidently attract staff attention when they want support or help”
Ofsted (2015 Inspection)
“The thoughtfully planned playrooms create enabling environments for all ages of children to promote independence and to engage children in purposeful play. Children benefit from a wide range of play materials to support their learning and development. Staff are good role models. They are deployed well, use consistently applied strategies and provide a clear guidance for children about what is acceptable behaviour.”
Ofsted (2013 Inspection)