Early Year's Foundation Stage

At St George’s, we follow the Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS), a government framework for learning, development and care of children from birth to five. Its purpose is to provide all children with the best possible learning opportunities and experiences to help each child reach their full potential. This will ensure your child is ready for school when they leave St George’s Nursery School.

The EYFS is grouped into three prime areas and four specific areas of learning, as follows:


  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, social and Emotional


  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Encouraged to learn

Children are encouraged to learn with enjoyment and challenge through the provision of well-planned play experiences. When your child starts at St George’s, a Base Line assessment will be carried out within the first 6 weeks of attendance. This provides your child’s key person with a starting point on which to base your child’s future learning.

At St George’s each child will have an individual learning journey.The staff team will record and monitor your child’s development and progress in each of the areas. This folder is based in your child’s room and is available to you at all times. We hope that during your time with us you will also contribute to your child’s learning journey as parents. You will also be provided with a formal written report twice yearly on your child’s progress.

A copy of the EYFS can be downloaded from www.gov.uk